Every Camp member is equipped for evangelism and world missions to reach lost people both near and far with the Gospel message. It is our hope to build every Camp member into a bold missionary.
Local Missions
At The Camp we realize that proximity implies accountability, and it is our desire to reach our town and our county with the Gospel message. We do this through local evangelism as individuals, families, and small groups as well as through on-campus evangelistic events.
Global Missions
In 2010 The Camp adopted an unreached Islamic people group in West Africa. With the support and guidance of the International Mission Board, our church set out to be the missionaries to these precious lost people. Since then we've sent over 30 small mission teams from our congregation to two villages in that country. We visit the same two villages on each trip camping under a mango tree and spending our time there sharing the Gospel and teaching the life and miracles of Christ. We have been amazed to see what the Lord has done among our people group. Many have rejected Islam and given their lives fully to Christ even in spite of persecution. We continue this mission today with the goal of seeing churches started in each of our villages, churches that can then continue the work of reaching the rest of this people group.
Here are a few pics of life in our villages.
May they help you envision and pray for the work
and be inspired to become a part of the work as a goer or a sender.
May they help you envision and pray for the work
and be inspired to become a part of the work as a goer or a sender.

We love our sister ministry, AbbaCare, in Winchester. AbbaCare ministers to men and women who find themselves in crisis providing support, Biblical guidance, and the Gospel message.
As a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, The Camp also invests in the work of the International Mission Board supporting missionaries who are preaching the Gospel and starting churches in all parts of the world.