We want you to know Jesus.
The Bad News. There is bad news. The world is broken. That much we all already know, but what we don't know is just how broken it is and why it's broken. The Bible teaches us as early as Genesis 3 that the world is broken because of sin. Sin is when we rebel against the Creator and His design for our lives. Sin separates us from God and brings with it the curse of disease and death. Now, because sin entered the world and we all sin every day, every human being will die, but it gets worse. If we die in our sin, then we will spend eternity separated from God. That's how broken things are. But there is good news...
The Good News. John 3:16 tells us that God loves the world and the human beings that He made and does not want them to perish. He has a plan. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, into the world to save us from our fate. Jesus lived the perfect sinless life that none of us would. Then, Jesus willingly sacrificed His life on the cross to take the punishment that we deserve, to pay our sin-debt. Now, there is hope. Jesus has made eternal life possible for all those who will believe in Him with their whole lives. That's good news! But there's something that you must do...
The Bad News. There is bad news. The world is broken. That much we all already know, but what we don't know is just how broken it is and why it's broken. The Bible teaches us as early as Genesis 3 that the world is broken because of sin. Sin is when we rebel against the Creator and His design for our lives. Sin separates us from God and brings with it the curse of disease and death. Now, because sin entered the world and we all sin every day, every human being will die, but it gets worse. If we die in our sin, then we will spend eternity separated from God. That's how broken things are. But there is good news...
The Good News. John 3:16 tells us that God loves the world and the human beings that He made and does not want them to perish. He has a plan. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, into the world to save us from our fate. Jesus lived the perfect sinless life that none of us would. Then, Jesus willingly sacrificed His life on the cross to take the punishment that we deserve, to pay our sin-debt. Now, there is hope. Jesus has made eternal life possible for all those who will believe in Him with their whole lives. That's good news! But there's something that you must do...

The Moment of Truth. Father God is not a tyrant; He will not force anyone to be with Him in eternal life, so the choice is ours. Salvation is a free gift, but it is not automatic. Each person must decide for themselves.
Do you admit that you are sinful and need Jesus' forgiveness?
Do you want to believe on Jesus with your whole life right now?
You can go to Him in a quiet place right now and put this into your own words in a personal prayer.
Do you admit that you are sinful and need Jesus' forgiveness?
Do you want to believe on Jesus with your whole life right now?
You can go to Him in a quiet place right now and put this into your own words in a personal prayer.
The Camp at a Glance
We are a conservative Christian church affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. We focus on the Biblical practices of worship, family, relationships, & missions. It is our goal to work together to build each other up into bold missionaries who are zealous about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Core Values

Building godly, Spirit-filled homes.
January Sermon Series

"The Camp isn't just a church I go to; it's my family."
- Danielle Blume
"Come as you are!"
-Jerry Herbaugh
"The best pastors teach here!"
- Stacey Sommerfeld
"You'll eat the homemade cookies,
but you'll be fed by the Word."
- Donny Hamilton
"You won't want to miss a Sunday."
- Heidi Russell